The Diet Journal

A blog containing rambling of a girl being conscious about health and trying to improve her lifestyle. She's professional in ranting to no end, pointlessly, though, occasionally You'll find that she's rather entertaining in a noobish way. ENJOY Delicious treat and healthy looking photos!!

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

So I was thinking...

I am pretty concerned about constipation.
well yeah, guess this is not the best venue to talk about it but hey, it's my blog anyway.
I am concerned about my flabby stomach of course but not so much as I think, well, perhaps, I will shed it after the teenage year. BUT, I am concerned about the high chance of developing colon cancer as a result of defecation only once in 7 days. Yes, a week. Or other diseases.

I saw on Cheesie's (from advert post (long time ago) this kenko diet plum. It's damn expensive though. I do eat yoghurt but although I do believe it does help with digestion but it doesn't help with defecation (you know what I mean right. I mean although they are related they are not same). So I wanted the diet plum but after reading very few people talking about it and how it does help bowel movement but it causes some pain, I turn down the thought.

Now, I am considering slimming tea. Again, I warn you not to think that I want to lose weight. (well, 3 kgs would be nice to lose, but again I just want regular bowel movement). I remembered my grandma just had to go to the toilet when she mistook my aunt's slimming tea and I also read that it Does help with defecation.
So that should help?

I am considering SOD so-slim tea (cz it's on Dawn Yang's blog.Not because I like her but I just believe in brands that believes in bloggers because I'm a hardcore blogger, not on blogspot though, muhuahuahuhau).

So, what is your say about slimming tea? not a healthy option or solution to my problem?

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