The Diet Journal

A blog containing rambling of a girl being conscious about health and trying to improve her lifestyle. She's professional in ranting to no end, pointlessly, though, occasionally You'll find that she's rather entertaining in a noobish way. ENJOY Delicious treat and healthy looking photos!!

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Have I lost weight? How to? :(

Obviously that's not for human.
Ehem. let's not sidetrack.

It's been more than 2 weeks that I've been fasting.
So wonder if my weight is constant or if it goes down.
Is it rather hormonal that women generally do not lose weight so easily although we also do not gain weight easily?

I don't know.

This is excerpt I took from the
"Studies have proven that the difference between men and women are found in the functioning of woman's hormones and the construction and function of her fat cells. Hormones control how our metabolism functions, how fat is stored and so much more.
Because women have less muscle, then they have to work harder to lose fat. A man could be working at 50% of his capacity during physical activity, but a woman would have to be working at 70% of her capacity in order to keep up. So if women have less muscle, that means they have more fat cells. Women[ fat cells are also 5 times more larger than men. Women are programmed to store and hold more fat."


The thing is, I'd like to warn you not to trust everything on the net.
If it's up, it doesn't mean it's reliable, trust me.
When you search the internet, there are thousands of website popping up, telling you things to do to lose weight etc. Sometimes, they contradict each other O.o!!

Like, once I googled "yoghurt helped digestion". While one site states yes, the other said no.

It's the same with exercise and weight management. While one tells you they helped other site may tell you the opposite.

My advice is, have faith that exercise helps. Other than that, while running is so overrated, I think walking, in the long run is more beneficial. I have a friend who lost KGs of weight because she walked 5 km a day (although the result only shows up in like, half a year ~ hell yeah, i know it's long).
Changing your diet, has to come along. if not, it will all be wasted. :)
Minimise your munching on those delicious, juicy boneless meat of McSpicy (slurp XD), mind your diet, minimise intake of coke and sport drink and change to pure water (although I'm hypocritical about this *gulp*).. Plus, stop thinking that those "sugar-free/low-calorie/low-fat" food are so much better. If you compare carefully, they might not be so much different. It's all marketing gimmick. :). Better go and eat less of them and not eat lotsa them because u think they are going to make you full and slim.

Okay, that sums my post. Although I don't lose weight in general, I do eat less and less chips+unhealthy food ever since coming to Singapore. The result is, I feel a lot less guilty. Well, after all, you need a healthy state of mind to keep you happy!! :)

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